Career Decision - What would you do

Consider yourself in a situation – after completing the studies you have been working in a public sector company for last 6 years with not much of growth as they have only time bound promotion policy at your level. With a burning ambition to do well, you are getting more and more frustrated at not being able to achieve your goals.

However, the energy sector in which you work is a highly specialized one and protected by the government. So, there hasn’t been many choices in the private sector for you to explore except for one private company which has recently forayed into it but does not have a good reputation as an employer. It is a Fortune 500 company though.

You become aware of a certain job opening in that company one day and decide to give it a try. Luckily enough, you are selected and get an offer - not very exciting in terms of salary hike but gives you an opportunity to work with international experts and the latest technologies with the possibility of training abroad.

Whether to accept the offer or not is a challenging decision because:

- You have almost zero bank balance and you belong to a struggling middle-class background.

- You will have to move away from the cocoon of a secured job environment of the public sector to an unknown work culture.

- The dreaded fear of losing the job will be always looming large.

- You have the responsibility of your family – your wife and a small child.

- You do not have any fallback or support option in case things do not go right.

- The future of the energy sector that you work in is not certain though the government of late has decided to gradually open it up to the private sector.

- You are not very sure whether the new job will offer you the platform for a successful career that you are looking for.

(Image credit: )

On one hand, you are absolutely frustrated with your current job and do not see a bright future. On the other hand, the new opportunity has many unknown or grey areas and it may backfire with unimaginable consequences.

Take a pause and think honestly about what will you do in such a situation, what decision will you take? Continue with your current job or take the risk and move on to the new job?

Please leave your choice in the comment section below. 

risk taking examples, risk taking personality, why is risk taking important

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