How to Find Out If You are Getting Overconfident

As an individual starts doing well and his career graph moves upward, his confidence level multiplies. Care has to be taken before pride and overconfidence takes control of oneself and leads him to the path of self-destruction.

It is, however, not easy to judge oneself and determine if he/she has crossed over to the zone of overconfidence. This is even more problematic for those who have arrogance and overconfidence since childhood as a trait.

Few checkpoints are worth mentioning here. The challenge is to subject oneself to such behavioural observation honestly and to identify and accept the intrusion of overconfidence in one’s mind.

  1. Am I becoming a bad listener and not allowing others to express their thoughts and ideas?
  2. Have I become a loudspeaker and try to force my ideas?
  3. Have I stopped learning from others and feel that I know everything?
  4. Am I not planning and strategizing my work like I used to before and feel very confident of my ability to accomplish my tasks without those preparations?
  5. Do I deal with people with lesser respect and more arrogance unlike before?
  6. Am I becoming less sporting in nature and can’t take lightly, the jokes and banters from my friends and colleagues?
  7. Is the count of my friends and well-wishers dipping of late?
  8. Do I feel restless and worried?
Above red flags can be used effectively and timely to curb down one’s overconfidence. Managing one’s confidence level at an acceptable level is the key to success and one has to be vigilant throughout his life to maintain the same. How to curb down one's overconfidence is something that I shall write in my subsequent blog.

(picture credit:

How to achieve sustainable career growth
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Career tips for recent graduates
How to be successful in career
Overcoming obstacles in your career path
Career articles for students
career advance for students
career guidance for students
overconfidence kills
how to manage overconfidence
is overconfidence a weakness
is overconfidence arrogance
does overconfidence affect decision making

